The Venus PRoject: presents a bold, new direction for humanity-that entails nothing less than the total redesign of our Entire culture.
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Thursday, August 27, 2009
Love only Love music video for the Venus Project
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Wednesday, August 26, 2009
The Life Saver, Fresh clan water Solved just amazing
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Tiny bicycle-towed house is self-sufficient
Why tow around a bus-sized motorhome when you can create a 100-pound trailer that has nearly everything you need? Meet a guy named Paul, creator of this bicycle-towed camper with a wind turbine on top, a place he called home at the Burning Man project for a week.
He cooks his meals in a solar oven, and heats up water for showers and kitchen use with a solar water heating system. There's a urinal funnel on the outside, but unfortunately there's no facilities for taking care of number two. Guess he just had to squat for that. Overall, this is as off-the-grid as you can get.
He created this micro house as a design study, wondering what would happen if Swine Flu resulted in an apocalypse that required him to be entirely self-sufficient. Check out the gallery below to peruse his Spartan accommodations, and don't miss our favorite feature, the bubble on the end where he lays his head at night, giving him a clear view of the stars.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Is this Glenn Beck and fox News?
This is amazing, I believe Glenn Beck is choosing the side of the People this time, I'm not going to believe too much of what fox news says, but the very beginning got me as well as the rest of the video.
is fox news turning the table? is Fox news going to talk about truth or get people thinking and asking questions? All i can say is Whoa we got to the media and this is awesome.
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The Daily Prophet? Technology to replace newspapers
This video is 2 years old and we are much more further down the line of this reality. This will definitely phase out Newspapers, and it is already occuring.
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Magnetically-propelled cars could save our cities from congestion
Philipp Siebourg's Induction Powered Vehicle (or IPV) isn't just a concept for a new kind of car, it's a complete transportation system designed to reduce congestion in big urban centers. Instead of bumper-to-bumper traffic in the heart of the city, Siebourg's proposal calls for a car-free, magnetized area that is serviced exclusively by automated personal transports.
Each IPV can be controlled by it's passenger via a mobile device (in the example provided below, the passenger is holding an iPhone), and you can drive and park at an IPV loading zone much like you would a bus station. Siebourg also calls for an alternative system in managing traffic — which is similar to how some intersections in Tokyo operate — whereby all the cars proceed at once, then pedestrians, and then bikers, rather than mixing it all up.
Check out the gallery below for more of the IPV transportation system.
You will have to go to the Article to see the rest of the gallery

Security over Liberty: Lancaster, PA CCTV for Community Safety
This is really Close to home, and it is planed that every city have these cameras installed on every street corner and building.
Is this for public safety or for another agenda? Wake up People see the truth for your selves.
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Monday, August 24, 2009
Good bye Nwo Times UP! 9-11-09 Rock the Planet
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Sunday, August 23, 2009
The Great Transition Plan
This is the plan to end the greed and corruption in this world, the power hungry individuals in power. They only have power with they're police forces and military, if we can get to Law enforcement and get to the military to join the People's Force and abide by the law of the Constitution and make sure they uphold they're Oath and explain to them about a Resource Based Economy, and how they're lives and families would be living in this kind of Environment, then we might have a shot.
P.J. says we have to get off the system and that is a somewhat good idea but when you begin to get off the system, they will try to threaten you in many different ways, and won't leave you alone. So My idea at getting all the fire power on our side, maybe when we get enough law enforcement and military personal we might not have to fire a shot in this revolution. That's My idea and i hope maybe you can find everyone you know who is serving this country either in the National Gaurd, Reserves, Navy, marines, air force, special forces, state police, local police, swat, and other law enforcement groups. Try your best to educate and share with them about the RBE and the Criminal acts that have been done against humanity. Show them love, honor and respect the best you can. Visit the Title to find out details about this Transition Plan that i've come up with.
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zero waste town in Japan
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