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Saturday, June 6, 2009

Jacque Fresco on future societies

An extremely deep point

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Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Your robotic conscience: two 'bots that team up and force you to do things

Your robotic conscience: two 'bots that team up and force you to do things
Isn't it amazing what is really out there already. Imagine in 3 years, robots will be doing our laundry, cooking our meals, and doing all sorts of things for us.
They don't really force you to do things, just read the article.
Your robotic conscience: two \'bots that team up and force you to do things
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Economic Recovery? a Resource Based Economy the only way to go.

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Economic Collapse UPdate by (endlessmountain)

There will be more videos like this in the near future which Derrek knows how everything is flowing and what is coming. He deals with numbers and statistics so he is extremely good with his predictions.

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CarGo transforming pickup/compact hybrid rolls out into the urban future

Transformers becoming a Reality, but are green
It won't be long before these cargo trucks are on our streets.
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Vision of the Future by Microsoft

Not that i totally agree with the credit cards and banking, that will have to go.
Non the less it's pretty amazing vision as of technology.

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Peter Joseph Talks about Teaming up with other movements, and explains conspiracies

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And the Rest of the Questions

IF you have a Question please ask him, go to the Zeitgeist Movement website on the side panel. You can always ask me to.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Transcendent Man Film Trailer

The future is here everyone
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Spending away our future, Our Grand children will be in Debt and it won't stop.

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Cybernated Systems - The Venus Project

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