Lately i've been posting more about the Swine flu Vaccines and i'm trying to Share the truth behind them.
Coming this week and next week the Flu VAccines are coming to our city and many other citys and i highly recommend that everyone Read What i'm about to post. Please Say no To these Vaccines even if it causes a threat to lose your job over.
Website: vaclib.org
Overview of Immunity
Introduction to Vaccination Presentation
Are Vaccinations Safe?
1. Vaccines are toxic.
*Vaccines contain substances poisonous to humans (i.e. mercury, formaldehyde, aluminum, etc.) Vaccine package inserts contain this and other information required by law to be disclosed to the public. Although these inserts are produced for consumers, doctors do not make them available to their patients.
*Vaccines are grown on and contain foreign tissue and altered genetic material of both human and animal origin.
2. Immunization (the act of injecting vaccines) depresses and disables brain and immune function. Honest, unbiased scientific investigation has shown vaccinations to be a causative factor in many illnesses including:
*Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (aka SIDS, crib or cot death)
*developmental disorders (autism, seizures, mental retardation, hyperactivity, dyslexia, etc.)
*immune deficiency (i.e. AIDS, Epstein Barre Syndrome, etc.)
*degenerative disease (i.e. muscular dystrophy, multiple sclerosis, arthritis, cancer, leukemia, lupus, fibromyalgia, etc.)
3. The high rate of adverse vaccine reactions is being ignored and denied by conventional medicine.
*Prior to 1990, doctors were not legally required to report adverse reactions to the Center for Disease Control (CDC).
*Adverse reactions are considered "normal", are ignored or diagnosed as other diseases. Even with this poor system, reported damage is substantial.
*Despite their current legal obligation, less than 10% of doctors report the damage they witness to the CDC.
*Throughout history, many prominent medical and non-medical health professionals around the world have voiced their vehement opposition to vaccination calling it scientific fraud.
4. Mass Vaccination Programs systematically and recklessly endanger the public while disregarding our rights.
*Since vaccination breaks the skin, it is technically a surgery. All surgeries by law require informed consent. Informed consent is rarely attained before vaccines are administered.
*Doctors vaccinate the unwitting and uninformed. The vaccine manufacturers' package inserts which contain biased industry claims and the bare minimum required by law to reveal are not routinely made available to consumers so that they can make a more informed choice.
*Double-talk and unethical enforcement such as threats, intimidation and coercion are used to ensure vaccination compliance.
5. There is no proof that vaccinations are safe or effective.
*There are no control group studies. Authorities consider that "to not vaccinate" is unethical and have refused to study unvaccinated volunteers. If control studies were done according ' to honest science, vaccination would be outlawed.
*Studies which have been done are not designed to eliminate the examiners bias. Authorities who compile and report disease statistics work closely with and have a vested interest in companies which produce the vaccines. In other industries, this kind of bias is not tolerated. Injuries and deaths in these studies are attributed to anything but vaccination to skew the results and make it appear that vaccines have some merit.
6. Laws allow drug companies to violate the public trust.
*In private vaccine damage suits, information is revealed condemning vaccines as deadly.
*Vaccine manufacturers use "gag orders" as a leverage tool in vaccine damage legal settlements to restrict the plaintiff from disclosing to the public the truth about the dangerous nature of vaccines. Our government has allowed these unethical tactics to be used which jeopardize public welfare.
7. The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1987 is a pacifier.
*This compensation program pretends to acknowledge the existence of vaccine damage by making "right" the wrongs done. Nothing in this Act attempts to avert these adverse events from happening in the future.
*This Act is the result of vaccine producers pressuring the government to "immunize" them from private lawsuits which can run an average of $4 million per case.
*The fund is made up of tax added into the cost to the consumer of each vaccine, thereby making vaccine consumers pay for one another's and perhaps their own injury; the vaccine manufacturers have made themselves quite "immune" from accountability. In recent years it has become even more difficult to be compensated through this program due to the parameters for determining vaccine damage changing and coroners now ruling out vaccine damage and charging the parents with Shaken Baby Syndrome.
8. Private insurance companies, which do the best liability studies, have totally abandoned coverage for damage to life and property due to:
*Acts of God
*Nuclear war and nuclear power plant accidents
9. Vaccination is not emergency medicine.
*It is claimed that vaccines avert a possible future risk and yet people are pressured to decide on the spot. A doctor's use of fear and intimidation to force compliance is not ethical. Vaccines are drugs with potential serious adverse reactions. Time and forethought should be given before a decision is made.
10. There is no law enforcing vaccination for babies or anyone else.
*Vaccination is linked with school attendance but is not compulsory. Exemptions from vaccinations, although restricted and monitored, are part of every state public health law and can be expanded by public pressure.
*Departments of Health, Education and the American Medical Association personnel profit from the sale of vaccines. They keep the existence of and details about exemptions relatively unknown.
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